Saturday, August 28, 2010

Better late than never

Hi all-
Sorry it has taken so long to get pictures and this running, but we've been a little busy. Jackson Alexander Peatross, who will be called Jack, was born on August 20, 2010 at 5:17pm. He weighed in at 8 lbs. 5.5oz and was 21 1/2 inches long. The night before, Carter and I went to dinner at Continental Divide and then went home. As we were getting ready for bed, I kept saying that my back was hurting. This went on for about an hour. I didn't think anything of it because my back is always hurting, meanwhile, Carter, was on the computer looking up who was supposed to have his cross coverage for the next day. After this went on for awhile, we decided that maybe I should keep track of how often my back was hurting, as in thinking they were contractions. Carter eventually said, I think this is called labor, katie. At this point I took a shower, dried my hair and packed the rest of my bag. At around 1200 we went to the hospital, and I was admitted. We weren't too sure if they were going to admit me or send me home, so being admitted was a surprise. Anyway to make a long story short, Jack was born the next evening at 1717 ( so obviously his lucky number is 17) after a long day a of back labor, a quick trip to the doctor for Carter's post op appointment for his achilles, and an epidural around noon. Being the NICU nurse that I am , I spent Jack's first few minutes stimulating him, while the nurses laughed. Jack has inherited huge hands and feet from his Dad, a Curry family chin and cheeks, and some small ears from his Momma. Jack and i spent the next two days in the hospital while Carter went home to be with Harper. We all came home on Sunday. Carter went back to work on Wednesday, and we have been trying to sleep since then. At Jack's initial pediatrician's appointment, he had lost some weight ( down to 7lbs 11 oz), but at his follow up on Friday, he was back to 8lbs. 6 oz. He has been keeping us quite busy in the fact that he is somewhat like his cousin Nick, and not a huge fan of sleeping at night, but is otherwise doing great. Harper is being relatively good with him, and Jack loves to go on walks with her so that is a good thing.  Alright, here is what everyone really cares about some pictures from the last week....
Right after I was born

Jack and Momma

Getting to know my Daddy