Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Boy and his dog...

Jack has always loved Harper and Harper has always loved Jack. I would say we are lucky, but honestly I think most dogs ( especially Goldens) love their babies. Recently, however, Jack LOVES Harper. Not only will he not eat anything when she is around, but he constantly talks to her. A conversation goes, Jack babbling to Harper, then Jack squealing at Harper. Harper looks at Jack, then looks at me, then slurp!! One fat lick on Jack's face, hand, etc. Then a loud giggle, squeal noise from Jack. Jack's life goal is to reach Harper wherever she is. He rolls, army crawls, and gives his best effort to get to her and grab whatever body part he can reach. Harper, thank goodness, is ridiculusly patient and could care less if he is pulling her hair out, has his hand up her nostril, or spreading her toes. ( Disclaimer, we don't let Jack torture her, and we make him stop when we see it). After said occurrence, however, I'll move Jack out of Harper's reach. He immediately starts to roll to her, while she looks annoyingly at me, sighs, then gets up and moves closer to her. I guess I should start to take the hint. It is also hard to teach Harper not to lick Jack when he is the one putting his hand in her mouth. Oh well, she is officially his first best friend, and he is her baby. I think Ferberizing Jack was more traumatic for Harper then for anyone else.

Here are some of my favorite Jack and Harper photos..

What is this thing??

Do i Like him??

Yep, I think I like him
I love him!!

Up to no good

Hello I'm talking to you..

And just to remind you how cute a Golden Puppy is.....

Friday, March 4, 2011

Jack loves Abby!!!

Thank goodness for technology!! Abby can still be Jack's best friend ( second to Harper) even though she lives 1400 miles away. He loves to watch her Flip videos and on the ipod chats!!
