Saturday, August 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Jack!!

Jack turned one last Saturday, ( the 20th). I cannot believe how fast and slow the last year has gone for us. Fast as in I cannot believe he is one, slow as in I cannot believe it has been a year since I have slept and intern year was incredibly painful. We had a "party" with my parents and Carter. We decorated, let Jack destroy the really ugly cake I made him, and open some presents.  Next year, I will just buy him a dozen balloons and he will be happy :)

Jack had his 12 month checkup on Wednesday with a temporary pediatrician until we can get in with the one we want. The boy is falling off his growth curve, but they don't seem too concerned. He weighed in at a whooping 21 lbs 3 oz ( 21% percentile), he is 31 inches long (84 %) and his head is 48 cms ( 89%).  So like my sister predicted he looks like a hotdog. No but really, he started out in the 80's for percentile, at his nine month he dropped to 50% and now to 21%. At this rate, by his 15 month he will be off the chart ( and not necessarily in a good way). We aren't too worried, he eats all day long. Carter is constantly saying, He's eating again?!?!  Still no official words, just a lot of pointing and dat's. Maybe dog, but its questionable. No steps yet, but he is close. Otherwise, he is very busy and still has never met a stranger!!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Abby!!!

Happy Birthday Abs!! Crazy to think you are a one, which means Jack will be catching up shortly...
Here are a few pictures of Jack's first best friend and my favorite little gorilla baby...

And yes, we will make you wear coordinating outfits and take your pictures for the rest of your life, so get used to it...
And maybe by the time you are two, we will have a good picture of you and me...