Sunday, September 4, 2011


Just so when Jack is 3, 15, 25 and being stubborn as all get out, he can say my favorite lines, "I can't help it, I was just born that way"

I had just finished giving Jack his bath, lotion, hairbrush routine. After a few ninja like moves, I had performed mission impossible and had all the books back on his bookshelf before he could take any down. He, of course, immediately grabbed Brown Bear and handed it to me. I was tired of asking Red Bird what he saw, so I put it down, snatched him up and escaped to the living room. After many tears and distractions of Harper, balls, Puffs and water, Jack STILL kept going to the baby gate and crying like had been locked away for life. I finally gave in and opened the gate, letting him escape to the bedroom. I continued my belief that my child is not one and that he can understand everything I say and told him that I was done playing in his room and if he wanted to play back there, he had to play by himself. He looked at me and happily crawled away. After a few thumps and thuds on the monitor, one happy squeal later, Jack comes crawling over the babygate and makes a beeline for my lap and hands me Brown Bear. Needless to say i spent the next 30 minutes, with  brown bear, red bird and a purple cat.