Friday, December 17, 2010

we have mover..

Jack has rolled over twice now. I have yet to see either. The first time was with Carter and he rolled front to back. The second time I was home but missed it. I left him on his belly on his play gym mat to let Harper out.

 and when I turned around he looked like this...

While it is great that he is moving, it also means I can no longer leave him anywhere alone..

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Its the Holiday Season....

Its that time of year again where the traffic is horrible, going to Barracks Road can take 2 hours, and there are people everywhere. While Carter may think the above, I love the Christmas season. My Pandora has been set to Nat King Cole since the day after Thanksgiving. Our tree is up, now straight ( thanks grandma and grandpa) and decorated. There are elves all over my house making sure Jack and Harper are going to end up on the nice list. Jack has a few Christmas outfits that he is trying to wear out before December 25th and he won't be able to wear them again.

Carter and I were planning to just get Jack a stocking this year, but that idea is quickly disappearing. I asked Carter which toy to get Jack and he said why can't he have both?? So I bought both:) His stocking will definitely be overflowing when Santa visits.

Here are some Christmasy pictures of Jack. Don't be surprised if you see one of them on a Christmas card...