Friday, November 12, 2010

12 weeks

 I am attempting to try this blogging thing again. Based on my one post last time, we'll hope I have more success this time around.

In the past 12 weeks, Jack has become a completely different baby. He is still pretty laid back, but is definitely showing his stubborn side. He refused to participate in tummy time for the last 10 weeks. When I would put him on his tummy, he would not scream, he would simply snuggle his face into the ground and go to sleep. It didnt matter where, when or who was around, he wanted nothing to do with it. Until last week, and now if he is on his stomach, his head is up and he's looking around. He can last that way for at least 15 minutes at a time. I guess he might be one of those "I'll do it when I am ready and I want to" kiddos.

Lately, he is also trying to laugh. He has way more "words". He also is becoming slighlty opinionated and wants to be entertained when he is awake, which is fun for him and us, but not so great for my house. He loves to grab a hold of things, talk to anything and everything, especially any stuffed monkey, and is constantly putting things in his mouth, his hands, his blankets, toys, my shirt, Harper's tail.

As my 12 weeks of being a stay home Mom are coming to an end, I thought i would share a few things I have learned.

- coffee is not too bad (especially if it has white chocolate and peppermint in it)

-you can never have too many burp clothes

- Running with a dog and a baby is not exactly relaxing

- Babies are expensive, especially when your dog seeks attention by eating money

- my mom might know what she's talking about

- DVR is the greatest invention ever

- 6 hours of sleep is a good night

- your baby will survive and you will hear him cry if you turn off the monitor.

- an arm workout should be included in prenatal care packets

- if you shop at the harris teeter by target, and not the one in Barracks, people might actually offer to help you as you struggle with your baby. ( same for the panera up 29, strangers hold the door open while you navigate your stroller, while students just talk on their phones and look annoyed)

-getting up at 3 am is a lot better when you are greeted with a grin and giggles

-no matter how masculine you dress your child, someone is still going to call him a girl

-12 weeks is not a long enough maternity leave. they make you go back to work just when it's getting fun.

alright here is what everyone is waiting for some pictures of the jackaroo... so here you go...

i'm not so sure about the camera

watching TV
loving my lovey

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