Sunday, November 21, 2010

three months old!!!

So Jack turned three months yesterday. Its hard to believe that he is getting so old. We've had a busy week this week. I went back to work Tuesday and Carter stayed with Jack for three days. It went as well as to be expected on everyone's end. I have pretty mixed feelings about going back, but it hasn't been too bad. All of that might change, however, when Carter is back at work and both of us are sleep deprived. I start actual patient care this week and Carter starts on cardiac service.

Jack had lots of first this week. He rode on his first horse, went to his first football game and meet Tyler for the first time.
Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!!

doing laundry

Riding a horse at Elizabeth's house

all bundled up at the football game

ty-ty finally came to visit

hanging with daddy all day

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