Friday, July 22, 2011

Virginia is for Lovers..

Who ever would have thought I would be actually be missing Cville. Oh how things have changed...

Here are the top 10 things I am missing..

10. Bodos
9. 23 weekers, A pod, Possible ECMO candidates, 27 week twins, and maybe even some feeder/growers.  (but not the schedule)
8. 4 o'clock Chai Break while I am taking care of 23 weekers
7. Southern hospitality/friendliness
6.  Dumplings, cupcakes and gelato all for one meal  (even though the hot dog company was making a pretty good attempt at being added to that meal)
5. Fresh Eggs
4. Harris teeter
3. Lunch and pedicure dates
2. Days in the Country
1. Bodos

A few notes on things I have noticed in the Sunshine state..
1. Grocery stores.. They aren't very common or I just can't find them. I don't know what people eat.

2. Shopping carts.  Californians never learned how to put them back in the little cart corrals. Also, apparently they are a highly sought after item. All the carts have sensors on them so if you take them out of the parking lot the wheels lock up. I haven't tested it out, but that's what the signs say.

3. People, people everywhere. Seriously, its like everyday is the day after Thanksgiving at Target, Trader Joes, PetSmart. It makes me claustrophobic.

4. I think it might be the only state right now where I have to wear a jacket to walk Harper in the morning and that is a good thing...

Monday, July 18, 2011


So as of tomorrow, we will have been in Santa Clara for 3 weeks and I am unpacked???. Right, the three boxes of books under the desk, the one random bathroom box, and the one box in the living room that I cant bring myself to move to the garage, don't count right?? The to do list is still a million miles long, and keeps getting longer, smog checks, returning cable boxes, findng a post office are all the errands that seem to take me a whole day to do. Target and the grocery store are becoming slightly more easy. I did spend awhile looking for corn syrup the other day. Umm, why wasn't it in the baking aisle?? I still dont know.

Jack and I are getting into some sort of vague routine. Harper is now only barking at every other noise she hears, instead of every one. Carter is working away and not hating the commute too much (yet). We do really like the apartment, but we want to be closer to Stanford and we want to be in more of a community and less of corporate housing ( Cisco, Oracle, McAfee are all within walking distance of the complex).

That's my quick update. Jack is throwing all of his food onto the floor for Harper to eat. I take it he is done. Hopefully, I'll write blog more soon...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Jack got to go to his first College World Series outside of the womb this year. I only wish that it could have been at Rosenblatt :(. The new stadium is really very nice, but I miss section E , Row 17, Seat ten and the railing that goes along with it. Our new seats are comparable, but we don't have a railing, or the same people sitting around us. It just feels different. I missed the bead man, the girls catching foul balls, sitting behind the team's fan sections, and the railing. There isn't much personality at the new stadium.It was also way too loud. It felt like fans weren't paying any attention to the games, but were all too busy walking in front of me to go get food.  I tried very hard to like it, but no such luck. Hopefully, one day Jack will be able to run the bases of Rosenblatt at the zoo if they do what they say they will.

As for the CWS, well we were super excited UVA was there. GO 'Hoos. I do love some college Virginia baseball and hate to see them lose on an error. I do however think that it is pretty cool that South Carolina won the last CWS at Rosenblatt and the first one at Ameritrade Park ( which seriously could they not think of something better. (Dear NCAA, I hate you).. IT would have been a hundred times better if it was UVA, but hopefully they will be there next year.

Jack was a champion at the games. He would sit and eat his dinner and cheerios. He played with the straws and the scorebook until it was time for a nap/bed depending on the game. Then Grandma would walk him to sleep since I needed to watch the game :). He also made his first tv appearance and was on the big screen at the park during the last UVA game. He was pretty adorable in his orange shirt and hat.  Carter got to make it out to the last UVa game on his trip across the country. Hopefully, he will be able to make it out next year for some more games.

Seat 10.. I miss you!!


I'm Back...

and trying to be a better blogger.. so here we go again. I