Here are the top 10 things I am missing..
10. Bodos
9. 23 weekers, A pod, Possible ECMO candidates, 27 week twins, and maybe even some feeder/growers. (but not the schedule)
8. 4 o'clock Chai Break while I am taking care of 23 weekers
7. Southern hospitality/friendliness
6. Dumplings, cupcakes and gelato all for one meal (even though the hot dog company was making a pretty good attempt at being added to that meal)
5. Fresh Eggs
4. Harris teeter
3. Lunch and pedicure dates
2. Days in the Country
1. Bodos
A few notes on things I have noticed in the Sunshine state..
1. Grocery stores.. They aren't very common or I just can't find them. I don't know what people eat.
2. Shopping carts. Californians never learned how to put them back in the little cart corrals. Also, apparently they are a highly sought after item. All the carts have sensors on them so if you take them out of the parking lot the wheels lock up. I haven't tested it out, but that's what the signs say.
3. People, people everywhere. Seriously, its like everyday is the day after Thanksgiving at Target, Trader Joes, PetSmart. It makes me claustrophobic.
4. I think it might be the only state right now where I have to wear a jacket to walk Harper in the morning and that is a good thing...
Love this!! They are gonna have so much fun together as Jack grows up!!