Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Jack got to go to his first College World Series outside of the womb this year. I only wish that it could have been at Rosenblatt :(. The new stadium is really very nice, but I miss section E , Row 17, Seat ten and the railing that goes along with it. Our new seats are comparable, but we don't have a railing, or the same people sitting around us. It just feels different. I missed the bead man, the girls catching foul balls, sitting behind the team's fan sections, and the railing. There isn't much personality at the new stadium.It was also way too loud. It felt like fans weren't paying any attention to the games, but were all too busy walking in front of me to go get food.  I tried very hard to like it, but no such luck. Hopefully, one day Jack will be able to run the bases of Rosenblatt at the zoo if they do what they say they will.

As for the CWS, well we were super excited UVA was there. GO 'Hoos. I do love some college Virginia baseball and hate to see them lose on an error. I do however think that it is pretty cool that South Carolina won the last CWS at Rosenblatt and the first one at Ameritrade Park ( which seriously could they not think of something better. (Dear NCAA, I hate you).. IT would have been a hundred times better if it was UVA, but hopefully they will be there next year.

Jack was a champion at the games. He would sit and eat his dinner and cheerios. He played with the straws and the scorebook until it was time for a nap/bed depending on the game. Then Grandma would walk him to sleep since I needed to watch the game :). He also made his first tv appearance and was on the big screen at the park during the last UVA game. He was pretty adorable in his orange shirt and hat.  Carter got to make it out to the last UVa game on his trip across the country. Hopefully, he will be able to make it out next year for some more games.

Seat 10.. I miss you!!


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